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With Hybrid Events, Should You be Presenting Live or Pre-Recording Your Keynote Speakers?

This is a question event planners ask often. In the pre-pandemic world, this was rarely asked. During the pandemic, it was a no-brainer. Now, with most events taking on a hybrid model, the answer is more complex.

What Does Pre-Recording Look Like? 

First, let’s get on the same page about how this works. Pre-recording your keynote speaker can be simple. For the bare minimum, you host a Zoom, hit record, and download the file. For better results, your production company can ship you a kit for higher quality or send a videographer to record the presentation for you.

How to Decide: Pre-Recording vs Live

Benefits to Pre-Recording Presentations:

Each of those could be elaborated on in their own article, but for now, hopefully, those get your wheels turning.

Drawbacks to Pre-Recording Presenters:

It looks like the pros outweigh the cons with a score of 5 to 4. But don’t take the numbers too literally. There are a few more neutral points to consider before you can make a final decision. In an environment of decisive action, sometimes a few constants can be a relief.

In-Person and Pre-Recorded Presentations Have a Couple Things in Common, As Well

Regardless of Whether You Choose Virtual or In-Person Presentations, You Need Good Production

Live, in-person presenters can’t engage an audience without a proper stage, audio, video and lighting. Remote, pre-recorded speakers can’t convey their content if there’s not a quality recording with good caliber video editing.

The best way to make your final decision is based on the makeup of your event audience.

You are there to plan an event for the people you’ve assembled. Cater to their natural tendencies by building a presenter plan that aligns to their environment. You can go outside the recommendation for a few presenters here and there if you’re doing a multi-day conference, but follow the majority as a rule.

Majority in-room audience means majority in-person presenters for the majority of the agenda.

No important message should be hindered by technical difficulties. You want your attendees walking away inspired and fulfilled, not dwelling on the fact they couldn’t hear the speaker or the video feed went dead.

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