Yevir De La Cruz

Yevir De La Cruz

Production Hand

One of the first jobs I’ve had was with my dad in construction. I would help nail down the frames of the house. After that, I worked at Walmart in Online Grocery Pickup for two years before landing at avad3.

My favorite part of my job is being able to work with very intelligent and knowledgeable people and seeing how they use their experience in their craft.

The most inspiring part of event production is when I’m at the job site with my coworkers. Working together to make different aspects or parts of the show all link together and having to work together to make that work inspires me.

When I’m outside of work I’m happiest working on my personal projects and spending time with my friends as I like to challenge myself creatively but I also like to relax and laugh with people I care about.

If I could have a superpower I would have the ability to teleport so I can go wherever I want, whenever I want and not have to worry about over scheduling myself or being late to my commitments.