It’s often difficult to feel involved at an event with thousands of people in attendance. Even when a presenter involves the audience, chances are you’ll be more of an observer than a participant. And while learning can absolutely happen in large groups, the methods and effectiveness are limited. This is why breakout sessions can be so essential to events. They can have different structures, sizes, and goals, but they all serve a common purpose: they increase the value of an event for attendees. Pulling this off often requires the expertise of an event production team, at avad3 We maintain control over every aspect of production, ensuring quality and reliability. We are a hands-on team committed to delivering exceptional results and seamlessly integrating ourselves into your project.
Let’s look at how this happens.

Photo by: avad3 Event Production, cozy breakout space at Walmart Marketplace Seller Summit – Las Vegas NV.

What are Breakout Sessions?

Basically, breakout sessions are smaller meetings that happen at designated times during a larger event. There are typically multiple breakout sessions happening at the same time, and attendees are either assigned a session to attend or are allowed to choose based on their needs and preferences. The aim of breakout sessions is to allow for greater participation and collaboration within a more intimate setting. Breakout sessions can be just as effective virtually as they are in person to boost engagement and productivity. If you’re interested in the photos you’re seeing in this article, check out the case study to the event we’re heavily featuring here

Photo by: avad3 Event Production, Team member makes adjustments in breakout room at Springdale Convention Center – Springdale AR.

Breakout Session Benefits

The benefits of breakout sessions are plentiful. People feel much more comfortable in smaller groups when being asked to participate in a discussion or activity. It’s a great opportunity to focus on a specific topic and invite detailed conversations. If attendees have been in large sessions, listening to speakers, a breakout session can provide a welcome break from the monotony that allows them to relax and refocus. Participants are much more likely to feel ownership over the training they’re receiving, or the work they’re doing, when they feel they’re a part of a small group that has come together purposefully, and it will enhance their engagement.

Photo by: avad3 Event Production, Team member behind camera in breakout room at EAST Con – Hot Springs AR.

Types of Breakout Sessions

Breakout sessions can have many outcomes, even within one session. Usually, though, the sessions are created with one of four main goals in mind:
–       Collaboration These sessions serve to have a small group accomplish a task together. Maybe they are brainstorming, maybe they’re refining an idea. This is similar to the think tank concept. The way collaboration is achieved can depend on the size of the group, the time, and the task.
–       Learning At large professional conferences, learning breakout sessions are a popular way to provide attendees with a range of opportunities to learn more in areas that specifically interest them. It allows a greater diversity of knowledge to be disseminated, by a range of presenters whose expertise varies. Each presenter has the freedom to present in the way that best suits them and the information they are passing along.
–       Fun For people to work well as a team and be productive, it is essential that they get to know each other in a way that’s low pressure and enjoyable. There will always be people who think having fun isn’t important or helpful but- we’ll just say it- they’re wrong.
–       Networking If attendees don’t get much face-to-face time or have never met, breakout sessions are an excellent opportunity for them to fix that. This can even work with online sessions, and it adds tremendous value to the event experience for those who participate.

Photo by: avad3 Event Production, Team member adjusts audio console in a breakout room at EAST Con.

Session Ideas

Once you know which type or types of breakout sessions you need, you can turn to choosing from a wide variety of options on how to structure them. Let’s look at some examples of what can happen in breakout sessions.
–       Lightning Talks In a setting where education is the goal, it’s important to guard against overwhelming attendees. Lightning talks, where a presenter gives a focused, short talk on a particular topic, allows for a slice of knowledge to be presented in a way that keeps everyone’s attention and is manageable to ingest.
–       Speed Networking Being surrounded by hundreds of your professional peers is an excellent opportunity, but creating connection can be difficult. A speed networking session gives participants the infrastructure they need to make new contacts quickly and efficiently.
–       Games Yes, games. Fun can be tremendously effective at getting people engaged and energetic.
–       Goal Setting This is a flexible process that can be used to allow attendees to make personal or professional goals, or even work together to brainstorm goals for a project or organization.
–       Ask Me Anything (AMA) Popularized online but just as doable in person, these sessions allow a leader or noteworthy attendee to answer questions in a more casual setting. Doing this during a breakout session means more people will be able to actually ask their questions, and it will make the process feel more informal and intimate.
–       Outdoor Activities Breakout sessions don’t have to happen in conference rooms or ballrooms. An outdoor session can bring a literal and figurative breath of fresh air to participants and allow them some movement. It’s a great opportunity for activities with a physical element.
–       Open Mic Most people have something valuable to say if they’re given the chance. Open mic sessions can be fun and interesting but they can also be revelatory. It’s likely that your team has hidden strengths they’ve never had the opportunity to showcase. This gives them that opportunity.
–       Drop-in Discussions This is a great option when participants are on the go. Hosting a drop-in discussion on a specific topic means people who would need to arrive late or leave early can still feel encouraged to attend and participate.

Photo by: avad3 Event Production, large breakout room at Walmart Marketplace Seller Summit – Las Vegas NV.

Planning & Execution

If you know breakout sessions will add value to your event, it’s important that you plan well and execute properly. First, set clear goals for each session as you plan. Make sure there isn’t redundancy and that you have a measurable way to know if the session was successful. When scheduling the sessions consider space layout, noise issues, and travel time for attendees. Even if the sessions are virtual, people need time to visit the bathroom and take a breath to refocus. Once the schedule is set, make sure participants are informed of all the important details.
For each session, consider the space. How should it be laid out? If it’s virtual, what format will work best? If you are grouping participants rather than having them choose what to attend, do
so thoughtfully.

Consider the range of experience, demographics, and personalities to create groups that will provide a variety of viewpoints and expertise. Make sure each room has all the materials and equipment it needs. Double check with a session’s presenter or moderator on this point since they’re the ones who will be running that particular show. Technology can enhance sessions in all kinds of ways, so look into what you have available and discuss the sessions and your options with your production company. Don’t forget to get event feedback specifically on the breakout sessions both from participants and facilitators, so you will know what worked and what could use improvement next time.

Photo by: avad3 Event Production, breakout room at Rewired – Bud Walton Arena.

Using Platforms

If your event has an online component or is entirely virtual, don’t think that breakout sessions can’t still happen and be valuable. Tools exist that make the process streamlined and smooth- products like Kaltura can help you manage your sessions with ease. They contain features like auto-assign for groups, digital whiteboards, and simplified screen sharing. You can also assign host controls for breakouts that allow multiple people to manage several sessions simultaneously.

Breakout sessions have been around for a long time, with good reason. They’ve proven effective at giving people a different, more intimate way to work and learn. They can be employed at large conferences, company meetings, and learning summits. The ways they can be used are as varied as the outcomes that can be achieved, and the evolution of technology has broadened capabilities even more. Breakout sessions are worth the planning work!


Really, truly listen. The next time you’re at a large meeting or an event, notice how the  sound is delivered to you. How are the microphones and speakers? Can you hear static or are the voices distorted at all? Does everyone come across at about the same volume? At most events, sound is the primary method of information delivery. It also sets the mood, defines the energy, and whether you realize it or not, it communicates the professionalism and level of planning that has gone into the event.

Photo by: avad3 Event Production, A1 makes adjustments on Yamaha DM7 Console.

Reasons Why Audio is Crucial for Events

Engagement Regardless of the event type, every planner wants their participants to be engaged. Perhaps a CEO is presenting performance data at an annual meeting, or a gala host is recounting the impact recent donations have made on a nonprofit’s work. You want attendees to be able to remember, retain, and respond to what’s being presented. They can’t do that if they can’t hear clearly, or they’re distracted by poor sound.

Message Clarity Every word counts. If a microphone shorts out every once in a while, even if only a few seconds are lost, it matters. Not only can it knock a presenter off his or her rhythm, it can inadvertently omit or change crucial parts of a message. You don’t want people wondering if they heard “fifteen percent” or “fifty percent”. Clarity is essential, and it must be consistent.

Video Enhancement It’s such a letdown when a video begins to play for an audience and the audio fails to come on, or blares so loudly everyone covers their ears, or is on a 3 second lag. Video presentations at events are usually products of a lot of thoughtful work, and their impact can be significantly diminished if the audio isn’t flawless. Even if it’s fixed quickly, the impact of the moment is lost.

Emotional Impact If you’ve ever been to a large event when there was alot of audio feedback or a mic went out, you know that it changes everything even if it only lasts for a moment. The participants’ concentration is broken, and whatever emotional or mental place you are trying to lead your group to is suddenly derailed with the distraction. Quality event sound means you never notice it’s there, because it’s working consistently, and everyone is able to focus on the content and the feeling of the moment you’ve brought them to.

Photo by: avad3 Event Production, A2 prepares mic packs for 3,000 attendee conference.

Creating the Best Audio Experience

By now it should be clear that audio is a component of any event planning that should not only not be ignored, but deserves priority in planning and execution.
Here’s how you make it happen:

Investment in Quality Equipment Audio is an arena where quality really matters. Using in-house audio-visual equipment may seem like the way to go for simplicity’s sake, but it’s highly unlikely that you’ll get the microphones, speakers, and recording equipment you actually need. You’ll want a production company that can provide newer equipment that is in excellent condition. You don’t want a wireless microphone that can’t hold a charge or a speaker system with fraying wires. Technology is constantly changing and improving, and you want to benefit from that rather than get by with outdated methods. Your sound will only be as good as the equipment it’s being sent through, so make sure the equipment you’re using is the best.
Sound Check This is a step that should never be skipped. A sound check achieves more than one goal. It ensures that all equipment is performing as it should, that speakers are located in the ideal locations and that you have enough of them. It allows you to determine ideal volume levels and microphone consistency. Most importantly, the event planner can leave a sound check feeling confident that participants will have a smooth audio experience.
Professional Setup Are you noticing that this is a lot to think about for sound? It is, and it’s all important. That’s why working with an experienced, professional production company is essential. A production company knows the answers to all the audio questions you have. They know what equipment will make the best use of your budget while making sure it meets all of your needs. They efficiently set up and run the audio components of your event to be flawless and invisible. No wires running across the floor, no mic battery changes in the middle of a presentation, no last minute panic that you forgot something. Your attendees will never know they were there, but you’ll be thankful every minute that they are.

Photo by: avad3 Event Production, avad3 team member makes adjustments on the audio console in a conference breakout room.

Considerations for Event Sound

Event Type & Size Obviously, a 30-person meeting has different needs than a 300-person gala or a conference with thousands of attendees. A production company will work with you to ensure that you have exactly the scope and range of equipment you need. Decisions like how many microphones to use for a panel discussion, exactly how loud you’ll need the sound to be, and what role music (either live or recorded) may play in your audio plans will be made with your production company. They’ll guide you to choices that maximize your budget without compromising quality.

Speaker & Music Quality Again, sound is only as good as what it’s coming out of. Your production company will know how many and what types of speakers will be best for your event, as well as where they should be placed. They’ll also confirm that any audio files, like prerecorded music or videos, are in the correct format and of sufficient quality to come through crystal clear. A sound check will confirm the right choices.

Room Acoustics No two rooms sound just the same. What provides great sound in one room may get swallowed up or create an echo in another. The setup will be unique to the space and dependent on multiple factors such as room size, acoustics, and layout. Again, a great production company will know exactly what to take into consideration and will be able to make informed decisions about how to proceed.

It’s natural for event planners to look for ways to cut costs, especially ways that won’t change the successful outcome of the event. Audio is one area, though, where the investment is always worth it. The most beautiful, well planned event in the world can’t overcome an audience not being able to hear the keynote address or speakers constantly glitching. Audio production deserves a priority spot in budgeting and planning, and a great production company can pull it all together so it integrates seamlessly into your event.

Experiential events have become the gold standard in marketing and event planning. If you haven’t organized one before, it may seem like an impossible and daunting feat. At its core, though, the concept of an experiential event is simple. Rather than guests attending as observers, an experiential event gives them a chance to be participants. What they get to do, what they experience (hence the name) is up to you. There are innumerable ways to incorporate experiences into any event and there’s no question that it’s worth the effort.
Attendees will identify with and remember an experiential event, and can learn so much more from doing than from just seeing or hearing. It seems pretty obvious that experience is a component that adds value to any event, so the question just becomes: How? How do you incorporate experience in a way that makes sense, is unique, memorable, and is manageable from a financial and logistical standpoint? Let’s get into it.

We’ve seen experiential events become popular in a variety of ways. The advantage for brand activations and product launches is clear: when customers and stakeholders can touch, feel, or taste a product, they’re much more likely to remember it and build excitement in their community. Having heard there is a new brand of energy bar is not interesting; being invited to try one while meeting a well known athlete or running an obstacle course is definitely interesting. But even less obvious formats can benefit from experiential components. At an innovation summit or collaboration event, participant’s involvement will increase along with the numbers of ways they’ve invited to learn. Paper and pen is fine; an LED idea wall anyone can add to in real time is even better. Even if your event is straightforwardly designed to train or educate, experience has a place. We all remember the teachers who made school fun, who got us out of our chairs and even out of the classroom to give us a new way of learning. We don’t lose that love for something different once we grow up. People crave something new, something they haven’t seen before.

Are you convinced that experiential events is where it’s at? Great! Getting started can still be overwhelming though. To get the creative process going, let’s take a look at some unique experiential events from the past few years, and how their successes can inform yours.

Photo by Adam Groffman, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 DEED,

Event: Refinery 29: 29Rooms

What was great: The lifestyle brand created 29 physical rooms for attendees to walk through. They worked with brand partners to create each room, and every year they’re interactive in a different way. One event had unique ways for participants to create art with what they found in the rooms.
The takeaway: Keep people moving and actively participating. Utilize the power of partnerships to expand your creative reach and bring in fresh ideas.

Event: M&M Flavor Rooms

What was great: M&M created a pop-up in New York to determine its newest flavor. The immersive rooms were themed down to fragrances and décor. There were even M&M themed cocktails.
The takeaway: Never miss an opportunity to engage senses other than sight and sound.
Learn more here:

Photo by Warren R.M. Stuart, CC BY 2.0 DEED,

Event: Vans: House of Vans

What was great: The popular shoe line created pop-ups where it knew it had fans- skate parks. Promoting their new shoe line while giving skaters a place to hang out and listen to music in their favorite skating location was a great fit.
The takeaway: Know your target audience and be willing to go where they are.

Photo by Whelsko, CC BY 2.0 DEED,

Event: Fortnite Concert

What was great: Fortnite used 2020’s necessitated shift to an online world to create a one-of-a-kind experience. Rapper Travis Scott used his avatar to perform a virtual concert called “Astronomical” that was attended live by 12 million people and has been viewed over 200 million times on YouTube.
The takeaway: Virtual events have the potential to be just as powerful as those that are in person, and their reach can be far greater.

Event: KIND’s Secret Farmer’s Market

What was great: KIND turned one of their snack bars’ vending machines into a hidden doorway to a secret farmer’s market. The fresh food that participants encountered promoted KIND’s commitment to distributing healthy foods and was all available- for free. Social media promotions brought thousands of people to the experience.

The takeaway: People love a surprise. They also really love secret doors and hidden spaces. Giveaways don’t always have to be the product you’re selling.

Learn more here:

Photo by: Mark Lopez, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 DEED,

Event: Chicago Children’s Museum- New Art Studio

What was great: In 2022, the museum opened an art studio that is immersive and ever-evolving. The scenery pulls young artists in, and ample art supplies and activities give them an opportunity to respond to what they’ve seen. The space incorporates the work children produce into its displays and design.
The takeaway: Let participants leave their mark on an event or location so they can feel connected to it.

Event: Iowa Finance Authority: 2022 HousingIowa Conference

What was great: A housing conference was turned into a Main Street parade where “Housing Leads the Way”. The theme brought new energy to the event as well as its website, materials, and promotions.
The takeaway: Any event can be innovative with the right reimagining. A great theme can change the game.
Learn more here:

Event: NBCUniversal Quantum Leap Reboot Launch

What was great: To promote the reboot of a popular show with a time travel theme, people were invited to drive through the “Quantum Leap Accelerator” straight into a scene from the past. Best of all, they were given a pass to fill their tanks at a gas station with 1980s-costing 91 cents per gallon gas.
The takeaway: Nostalgia is powerful and fun- especially when people get the chance to buy something at good-old-days prices.
Learn more here:

Event: Espolon Cristalino Launch Party

What was great: To launch a new tequila, Espolon took guests to stunning Mexican caves- in New York. Projection mapping transported everyone to tropical wonderlands without stepping foot outside of the city.
The takeaway: Technology is your friend. Projection mapping can literally immerse your guests anywhere you want them to be.
Learn more here:

Event: Delta Airlines Parallel Reality Experience

What was great: Delta created a glimpse of what’s possible for travelers at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. Partnering with design and tech companies, they presented customers with an eye-catching entrance to an experience that used kiosks and scanners to present them with a streamlined, personalized way to view their travel information.
The takeaway: Every part of an experience, even check in, is an opportunity to do something exciting and new.
Learn more here:

Event: Liquid IV Fuel Your Play Event

What was great: For its first national brand campaign, Liquid IV went on the road and created a play station complete with games and a camper van serving its products at an Atlanta market, while also dropping off samples throughout the city.
The takeaway: Expanding your brand can be done in a fun way by introducing your products to a new market in a casual setting.

Event: TikTok Summer Party

What was great: When employees returned to in-office work, TikTok hosted a huge party to welcome them back. Everything from the snacks to the photo ops were branded, and the company provided a skincare bar, games, and a 360 photo booth for employees to enjoy.

The takeaway: Sometimes employees or stakeholders deserve a treat, and it can be more memorable and exciting than a pen set or a catered lunch.

Event: Cap’n Crunch Cap’n’s Commute

What was great: Cap’n Crunch turned a New York City ferry into a cereal-themed vessel with prizes, games, and (of course) snacks, and thereby turned passengers’ commute into a delicious experience.

The takeaway: Instead of bringing people to your event, you can take the event to them. Also- don’t be afraid of multiple apostrophes in a title. If it worked for the Cap’n it can work for you.

Learn more here:

Event: March of Dimes Imagines

What was great: March of Dimes wanted to remind the world of its mission and refresh its brand. A huge dome was filled with whimsical design, imagery, and activities that engaged attendees while educating them on MoD’s mission to ensure healthy starts for all infants.
The takeaway: Nonprofits can benefit from the excitement and buzz surrounding experiential events just as much as for-profit brands.
Learn more here:

Event: Cheetos at SXSW

What was great: Everyone knows that to eat Cheetos is to have orange dust-covered fingers. Rather than consider it a drawback, Cheetos leans in. The company created a Hands-Free House at the iconic South By Southwest music festival to show how tech has evolved to create a variety of hands free experiences, leaving us free to use our fingers to grab their tasty snack.
The takeaway: Use what’s unique about your company or brand to give people a great memory- even if it’s well outside of the box you normally operate in.

It may seem like these events have little to nothing in common, and it’s true that they illustrate the wide-open range of options that exist within experiential event planning. But all of them were successful because they took the same things into consideration:
–       Understand your audience.

Good event planners know who will be attending, what motivates them, and what has to happen for them to consider their time at the event worthwhile.
–       Set clear objectives.

What is the goal of the experience? Will people learn more about something? Become personally invested? Or just have a great time?
–       Prioritize engagement and interaction.

It can be easy to fall into the rhythm of planning for efficiency- achieving as much as possible as quicky as possible. However, that is often in direct conflict with allowing the time required for people to connect with what’s happening and each other. Don’t be afraid to spend some time to let people have the experience you want them to have.
–       Innovate and think creatively.

Many of the events listed involved locations or activities well outside of their normal scope. A video game hosting a concert, a cereal brand running a ferry, a snack company building a tech house- these ideas worked because they were unexpected.
–       Use technology to enhance the attendee experience.

It’s virtually unheard of to attend an event now without there being a tech component. The most successful experiential events, though, are constantly looking for ways to incorporate the newest and most exciting technology in ways that participants haven’t seen before.

It’s clear that experiential events are working consistently as a way to engage attendees and create a memorable experience. Hopefully these examples show there’s no one right way to be successful in this arena, and there’s always room for something new. Let these examples jump start your thought process and start planning!

In the world of event planning and execution, the role of a production partner is one of the keys to a stellar event. The success of an event often hinges on the seamless performance of technical elements, smooth presentations, and the overall enhancement of audience experience. In this case, we were our own client! We know that sounds a bit silly. Nevertheless, we’re taking a deep dive into the contributions made by our production team, in hopes of inspiring you and your production team on what it takes to ensure the success of a nationwide, live webinar.

Challenges Faced

avad3, as a sponsor of the event, sought to host a live webinar with nationwide reach. With an hour-long slot dedicated to presenting, the we faced the challenge of avoiding technical glitches that could impede the flow and impact of the webinar.

Our Team’s Support

•Ensuring smooth technical execution across various video conferencing platforms.
•Adapting to a new video platform with limited bandwidth without compromising production value.
•Implementing last-minute changes to enhance visual aesthetics.

Actions Taken by Production Partner

The production team assumed responsibility for all technical aspects, alleviating all of the client’s concerns. Their extensive experience across multiple platforms and thorough testing processes instilled confidence in the client, assuring them of a glitch-free webinar experience.

Enhancing Production Value

Despite the challenges posed by a new video platform with limited bandwidth, the production team leveraged their expertise to deliver a high-quality production. The hosts and moderators commended the event for its exceptional production value, setting a new standard for webinars they have historically hosted.

Debut of an Innovative Resource

The webinar served as a platform to debut a beta test of a venue scorecard exclusively for attendees. The positive feedback received underscored the effectiveness and value of the resource, enhancing the event’s relevance and lasting impact. A couple of comments we received included:
“More, more, more!! It’s great to hear about and SEE real-world examples. I’m sure the presenters could have shared 1000 more — looking forward to learning more next time!”
“Casual, conversational and informative. Great – thank you!”

What is Your Production Team Doing for You?

The collaboration between the client and the production partner exemplifies the critical role played by production teams in elevating the success of events. By providing technical expertise, enhancing production value, and demonstrating flexibility, the production team ensured a seamless and impactful webinar experience. This highlights the importance of strategic partnerships in achieving event objectives and delivering value to your attendees.

Event planners invest months in meticulous planning. But on the day of the event, effectively communicating those plans becomes crucial. How can you relay essential details in a concise and clear manner?

Enter the show flow – an efficient alternative to lengthy event scripts. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of show flows and how they can optimize communication and streamline your event’s execution.

The show flow document is displayed on a computer screen in front of a tech. The tech is onsite at an event setup in a dark, blue-lit room.

Understanding Scripts vs. Show Flows

Scripts tend to be extensive, often spanning 20-25 pages, containing a wealth of information, such as opening remarks, cues for house lights, video playback, and speaker introductions. In contrast, show flows offer a simplified, one-page overview of the event. Despite their brevity, show flows can effectively convey most of the event plan, ensuring smooth operations. Creating a concise and clear event show flow template is essential for seamless event execution.

Show Flow Table Example
(Example from 2/4/2020)

Adapting Detail Levels for Different Teams

While your venue staff needs to know when a session starts to replenish refreshments, they don’t require every word of the script. Detailed scripts are valuable for on-stage presenters, but distributing such information to every event team member can be overwhelming. Show flows strike the right balance, providing essential information without overwhelming non-essential team members.

Accommodating Changes with Ease

Every seasoned event planner knows that adaptability is key. Unexpected changes are inevitable. For instance, a presenter may request an additional 5 minutes during the opening session. If all event timing is embedded within a 20-25 page document, manually updating each timing cue can be time-consuming. However, with a one-page show flow built in a spreadsheet using formulas, adjusting one duration automatically updates all related times.

Similarly, presenter talking points often undergo revisions. If their remarks are part of the primary document, updating the entire script becomes a hassle with each tweak. To avoid this, separate presenter remarks into individual documents. Let’s say your show flow contains a 20-minute segment labeled, “Year in Review with Brett.” By separating the script from the actual show flow, Brett is free to revise his content at his leisure without disrupting the overall show flow.

Crafting Your Show Flow

Show flows can encompass multiple columns and rows, but don’t feel overwhelmed. This planning process offers clarity and doesn’t have to be time-consuming. By breaking it down column by column, starting with segment names, you can see how each component fits into the larger event picture. A basic show flow may include the following columns:

Show Flow Table Example


1. Line number
2. Time of day
3. Duration in minutes
4. Segment name
5. Presenter name
6. Support materials (stage/furniture preferences, visual aids)
7. Content
8. Production
9. Notes

Ensure that your show flow fits on a single page. If your event spans multiple sessions or days, create a separate one-page show flow for each. For example, if you have a Morning Opening Session lasting 2 hours, create a dedicated show flow for that session. Restrict each show flow to a maximum of 30 rows; anything longer may include unnecessary details.

Tips for Optimal Show Flow Management

1. Ownership: As the event planner, you should be the document’s owner. Take charge of writing and maintaining the show flow, serving as the steward of both the event and its execution.

2. Revisions: Regularly revise the show flow leading up to the event, creating PDFs with version numbers (e.g., “01 Morning Show Flow v4”). Use double digits for sorting chronologically, ensuring files are organized correctly. To allow seamless collaboration, we also recommend keeping a copy version of this on google sheets. This will allow anyone with a google account to suggest changes in real time.

Show Flow Segment Examples

Let’s consider two examples of event segments within a show flow:

Example One: Presenter Segment

Show Flow Table Example

11. 8:38 am. 10 mins. Year in Review. Brett

During our morning session, Brett takes the stage at precisely 8:38 am. Our show flow, built in a spreadsheet with handy formulas, ensures smooth transitions. If the preceding segment requires more or less time, adjusting its duration automatically updates Brett’s start time. This efficient system eliminates the need for tedious retyping in a text document.

Brett’s presentation focuses on reviewing last year’s performance and expressing gratitude to the product team for their commitment to quality. To enhance his talk, he will utilize props on stage, including slides and two silent videos. These videos, known as MOS, will play in the background, serving as visual aids while Brett speaks over them. We can maintain the house lights without dimming them, thanks to this setup. Additionally, considering Brett’s extended 10-minute duration on stage, we recommend providing him with a lavalier microphone, ensuring his comfort and ease of movement. Lastly, it’s crucial to inform Brett about his responsibility to smoothly transition to John, who follows his presentation. By sharing this information, we prevent any awkward moments on stage and guarantee a seamless handover.

Example Two: Energizing Sizzle Video

Show Flow Table Example

19. 9:59 am. 3 mins. Video will play; Highlight Sizzle.

The 19th line in our show flow is scheduled for 9:55 am. At this time, a captivating 3-minute video titled “Highlight Sizzle” will engage the audience. To set the stage, the podium used in the previous segment will be swiftly removed by the stage manager and crew, preparing for the next presenter. The video itself exudes high energy, so we have instructed the audio technician to ensure a strong audio output. To enhance the video’s impact, the lighting director will darken the stage while dipping the house lights, creating a more dramatic atmosphere.

Additionally, we’ve requested a switch in the DSMs (downstage monitors) to display this video instead of the regular slides, allowing Jane, the next presenter, to seamlessly transition onto the stage during the video. As Jane won’t have a clear view of the projector screens on stage, the video displaying on the DSMs will help her feel confident in timing her entrance perfectly.

Experience the Benefits of Show Flows

Show flows are powerful tools that effectively communicate essential details to the right people. By separating presenter remarks from this document, you empower presenters to take ownership of their content. This enables you to focus on the session as a whole, saving you valuable time by eliminating the need to repeatedly revise lengthy text documents.

Embrace the convenience of formulas, and give the new format a try when planning your company’s next significant event. You’ll discover that it promotes clearer thinking during the planning phase and translates into smoother transitions with your production crew. Moreover, your presenters will exude confidence, and the overall event plan will be easily accessible without the burden of sifting through lengthy script copies. Enjoy the difference it makes!

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    The Culture Amplified Podcast
    Published on April 19, 2024

    This podcast brings together culture leaders, HR innovators, and executives from some of the world’s leading organizations to share in the  challenges and successes of…

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