Bentonville Film Festival (BFF) is an annual event that brings thousands of creatives to Northwest Arkansas. This entire event is centered around a panel of world-class filmmakers, actors, and creatives. Each panelist’s message was flawlessly heard thanks to a professional production company ensuring quality sound and execution.
The BFF foundation is a non-profit organization focused on promoting under-represented voices of diverse storytellers. Bentonville Film Festival brings together actors, filmmakers, photographers, and artists from all across the United States. Some of these creatives include Geena Davis, Terry Crews, singer-songwriter Jewel, Samuel L. Jackson, and more.
The challenge of this particular panel is amplifying the voices of each panelist so each person can be heard clearly. Attendees look forward to hearing celebrity guests, top festival winners, and high-level creatives present a message of inspiration. Ensuring each panelist can be heard clearly is of utmost importance to the Film Festival.
The solution lies within the people behind the scenes, the production company. BFF trusted us with presenting the panel with clear audio, and a recording for others to view post-event.
In the end, Bentonville Film Festival was able to host a flawless panel with their high-level guests and award winners. The entire audience was able to hear each presenter clearly. With a lot of the messaging coming from extremely successful creatives, there is no doubt that this panel changed the lives of its viewers through inspirational messages.