The University of Arkansas’ graduation event consists of 4,800 students and over 15,000 additional guests. It has to be both online and in person, in 2 separate arena-size stadiums. Each student spends thousands of hours working towards the goal of graduating, so the words being spoken on their big day are very important to them and the people celebrating with them on this momentous occasion. By using a trusted production partner year after year, the University of Arkansas is able to have a consistent event, with clear audio and an impressive setup.
The Challenge to Solve
The University’s students spend lots of time, effort, and money in hopes of achieving a degree. Students dream for years about this one, big day. This event should always live up to those expectations and consistently delivering a flawless is hard if your production team changes year-over-year. This particular event has such a high volume of graduates and attendees that the University has to utilize 2 large indoor stadiums simultaneously. Everyone must be able to hear what is being said, see their colleagues, friends, and children on the screens, and celebrate whenever they hear their names. No matter which stadium they are in. Every year.
The Solution
The University of Arkansas has hired us as their trusted production partner for years. As our partnership progressed, the event became a well-oiled machine requiring less effort from the University in subsequent years. Utilizing the same team also ensures that the event is held to the same high standards across different locations. This allows the experience to be the same no matter the location, size, or viewing online or in-person.
The Results
The end result was an event where attendees could focus on what really mattered, the graduates. Every person who attended the commencement ceremony, online or in-person, was able to hear the message with clarity. Graduates enjoyed a problem-free event to celebrate their accomplishments. Overall, the University of Arkansas was able to remain consistent in its promise to provide a flawless experience for its graduates and attendees, all by using the same trusted production company year-over-year.