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EAST is a non-profit focusing on transforming the current education system using technology. A modern-day shop class full of tech instead of woodworking tools. EAST was able to energize students’ attention and add value to their event with engaging content with the help of our trusted production team.

A man stands behind a sound booth while a large stage with multi-colored lights shines in the background

The Background

Last year, EAST succeeded with a completely virtual conference during a time when Covid restrictions prohibited an entirely in-person event. In 2022, those limitations were lifted, and EAST held an in-person conference with the capacity to engage and accommodate over 3000 students.

The Challenge

Effectively communicating with that many young students can be difficult. With this being the first in-person event for these students in over 3 years, there was no doubt the excitement could distract from learning and engagement.

The Solution

To retain the attention of 3000 students, our team completed the arena with a massive concert-style main stage. Two large screens accompanied the stage along with an array of programmable lights. Our team controlled every aspect of the show. A few break-out rooms were set up outside the main stage area, allowing more intimate collaboration between presenters and the students. Since some EAST students study video production and creative arts, they were able to engage and ask questions directly to our production team as the event progressed.

The Results

No matter where you were sitting during this conference it was hard to take your eyes off the presentation. Crisp, clear audio filled the room and massive projection-mapped screens played high-quality videos between presentations. . A true in-person event masterpiece.

Retaining the attention of thousands of young students is no problem when you have high-quality production. Pairing that with our team of professionals allowed EAST to focus on their most important task of teaching the kids, distraction-free.