Your message deserves to be seen and heard, loud and clear, with scalable event audio, video, and lighting. The avad3 team is full of true masters of their craft with a proven track record of project management and strategic planning to produce hundreds of successful events every year.


Strategic Planning

Site Selection – Venue Contracting – Travel Coordination – Registration Management – Content Strategy – Executive Rehearsals – Scripting Assistance

Creative Design

Lighting Design – Event Branding – Presentation Design – Set Design – Room Drawings – Event Renderings – Video Storytelling


Live A/V Services – Digital Signage – Livestream + Hybrid Solutions – Entertainment + Talent – Event Wifi Service – Virtual Events – Exhibition and Breakout

Thank you for always going above and beyond. Your team is the best to work with, they are a huge reason for our success. I honestly know you guys are the only ones who could have pulled off our event.
Ronald McDonald House Charities

The Process Begins & Ends With Listening

Hearing and aligning with the mission and vision of your event is the birthplace of true production partnership. From strategic planning to post-event debriefs, we are here to listen and offer bespoke solutions to you and your organization.

Production Mastery: Event production is avad3’s core service offering. We take pride in our nationwide custom audio, video, and lighting solutions.

Strategy from the start: Listening to your needs on day one, we offer service with finding the right site, navigating venue contracts, ascertaining travel needs, and content strategy.

Creativity is essential: All of our creative work is informed by your message. We offer uniquely engineered lighting design, event branding, renderings, video storytelling, and more to bring the story to life.

VIP Treatment: From executive rehearsals, to script assistance, to presentation design, we ensure your executives and keynote speakers are treated with utmost professionalism.

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